Fabric present

When my mum came here for visiting last week, she has not only brought me a suitcase full of (childhood) books that I still had in Vienna but also two biiiig pieces of fabric!

She bought the fabric some time ago, fully motivated for making new pillow cases. Well… loads of other things came up and that’s why the fabric now ended up with me – I’m a lucky girl, having the best mum in the world 😉

And it’s not only some kind of fabric: it’s Marimekko fabric!! As you maybe recall from one of my first blog posts, I’m slightly crazy about Marimekko 🙂 That’s why I’m especially happy about this gift! Continue reading

It’s shopping time!

Finally!! I talked about a secret project already in one of last week’s blog post and yes, it took longer than expected to get it all going and ready to be talked about…

The last few days and weeks my sewing machine and I were really busy with all the creativity and the ideas – and today it’s FINALLY time to make the big announcement: the online shop of sachensucherin has officially opened 🙂

Sewing is great. And very useful – because there is all kinds of pretty things you can use for yourself. But at some point this personal needs are satisfied. I don’t need 10 place settings. Or 5 sleeping masks. That’s why I’ve decided to sell my handmade products in an own online shop. Continue reading

Spring Preparations

One of my favorite swedish interior-decoration-design brands is Village. I bought a lot of this year’s Christmas decoration there as I left most of mine back home in Austria when moving to Sweden. And every single cookie box, Christmas tree ball or table cloth I bought there turned out to be a really good buy and made me and Christmas time even more special.

Now, when I cleaned up my wallet yesterday I discovered that I have a -20% voucher from Village left, that I got as a Thank You for one of my decoration shopping. Lucky me! And as it happens, the voucher is only valid until end of January. Which basically means that I should really go to the local store this week and make sure I do not waste those precious -20%, right? 😉  Continue reading

Sewing iWhatever-sleeve …

When I unpacked my sewing machine yesterday (yes, again, I let her rest too long) I remembered my last big sewing project and the non-existing blog post about it… I finished it quite some while ago but couldn’t post about it as it was part of my mum’s birthday present. This year’s present was an iPad and in order to keep it without scratches I made an iPad-sleeve for it. Of course there are hundreds of thousands of amazing iPad-sleeves out there to buy. I especially like the ones from Freitag (as well as their bags, iPhone-sleeves, laptop-sleeves and so on and on and on), but as it’s my mum I wanted to give her a special one 😉 And without wanting to praise myself, the sleeve turned out pretty awesome and that is why I wanna share it 🙂

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Fabric Monday!

After the first sewing mission in the new apartment, my sewing machine has been on a little holiday for the last couple of days, or actually weeks. So I decided it’s time to get her (yes, my sewing machine is female, probably because in german it is the female word “die Nähmaschine” and it is just too hard to get rid of a word’s gender) out again and start a new project.

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